Take back your life from migraine

The Raise Your Threshold Membership provides you with expert guidance and a supportive community so you can feel more confident and in control of migraine - for good.


Join The Membership

Take back your life from migraine

Raise Your Threshold provides you with expert guidance and a supportive community so you can feel more confident and in control of migraine - for good.

Sign Up

Conventional migraine treatment isn't working.

... and it's incredibly frustrating when you feel like you're left with no more options.

Finding peace with migraine isn't impossible. But it takes an approach that doesn't break your body up into a zillion different parts as if they don't all work together. An approach that truly treats you as a whole person, whose migraine is impacted by the whole body.

Ready to try something different?

Receive instant access to the tools you need to actually see improvements in your migraine.

This isn't a boring, practically useless course where you're expected to figure out what to do on your own (as always). The RYT Membership provides info, guidance, and support - because migraine requires strategy, and you deserve not to have to figure that strategy out by yourself anymore.

Dive into the 4 Phase RYT Method

Phase 1

Collect data and learn about your personal migraine threshold

Phase 2

Build out your customized supplement regimen and migraine kit

Phase 3

Dial in your diet and habits to support migraine from the inside out

Phase 4

Build resilience by optimizing gut health, hormones, & the nervous system

Migraine can feel like so much work - let's make it easier 💜

No more wondering what to eat, what supplements to take, how to deal with nausea, what labs to run, how to tell if blood sugar is low ... I've got your back with tons of resources like:

✅ Recipe database
✅ Symptom troubleshooter
✅ Monthly special topic calls
✅ Bimonthly support calls
✅ Lab recommendations
✅ Opportunity to ask questions daily
... and so much more!

Receive support from people who get it

Struggling with migraine can feel so lonely, but when you join RYT you also join the most supportive community of migraineurs on the internet!!

The community chat inside RYT is your place to go for support when you're having a rough day, trade tips and tools to make your life easier, focus on your goals, and celebrate your wins with people who truly understand what you're going through 💜

How to join us in The RYT Membership

Choose your own adventure!

RYT Membership


3 month initial commitment

  • Access to my 4 Phase RYT Method  to help you improve your migraine threshold (available formats: audio, video w/ captions)
  • Join the most supportive migraine community on the internet w/ access to Kelli and your fellow RYT members
  • Learn how to create a customized supplement routine and migraine kit
  • Access to my full database of recipes, symptom troubleshooters, lab testing guide, and other helpful resources
  • Track your progress with customized migraine trackers and data collection guides
  • Live coaching calls each week with Kelli including Q&A sessions, food log reviews, and special topic deep dives
Join Now!

RYT Membership PLUS 1:1 Support


3 month initial commitment

  • Everything included in the RYT membership PLUS:
  • Full review of your health history, symptoms, diet, supplements, and current acute management plan
  • Review of any previous lab work / diagnostics
  • Personalized recommendations for nutrition, supplements, an acute care plan, and habit changes
  • Priority access to functional lab testing and interpretation
  • Ongoing 1:1 support with Kelli via voice chat within RYT to ensure your success





➡️ Want a sneak peek inside RYT? Click HERE ⬅️

Frequently Asked Questions